Who We Are

We are a leading Red Cross First Aid & CPR training provider in Atlantic Canada. Our programs are nationally recognized across Canada. Both public and private courses are available. We ensure all our programs meet New Brunswick’s occupational health and safety regulations.

At Connecting First Aid, we pride ourselves on being a premier provider of nationally recognized first aid training courses for over 17 years. As an accredited Red Cross training provider, we have dedicated ourselves to empowering individuals and communities with life-saving skills and knowledge.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our training programs. We prioritize hands-on learning experiences, ensuring participants gain the confidence and competence to respond effectively in emergencies. Whether it’s CPR, basic first aid, or advanced life support training, our courses are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and relevance.

What sets us apart is our team of instructors have over a century of combined experience and bring real-world expertise and passion to every session. With their guidance, participants learn the necessary techniques and develop a deep understanding of the importance of quick and decisive action in critical moments.

We understand that emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. That’s why we offer flexible training options to suit the needs of individuals, businesses, and organizations alike. From on-site training at your location to convenient online courses, we strive to make life-saving education accessible to everyone.

At Connecting First Aid, our mission goes beyond just teaching skills; it’s about fostering a culture of preparedness and safety in every community we serve. Join us in our commitment to making the world safer, one trained individual at a time.





All public courses are taught at the


55 Major Brook Drive, Saint John, NB, E2J 0B2





Learn life saving skills,

Call us today!

We look forward to hearing from you!


Email: training@connectingfirstaid.ca